academic service
Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Treasurer
Board Trustee, St Thomas Early Learning Center
Peer Reviewer: American Educational Research Association: multiple units
Peer Reviewer: Journal of Educational Computing Research; Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; Teaching and Teacher Education; Internet and Higher Education
Review Editor: Frontiers in Education
Session Chair: Division K and Technology as an Agent for Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group
Ohio Educational Technology Conference volunteer
Nominee: Web Secretary AERA Graduate Student Council
Nominee: TACTL SIG and IT SIG (AERA) for multiple positions
Best Reviewer: AERA TACTL SIG (2024)
Board Trustee, St Thomas Early Learning Center
Peer Reviewer: American Educational Research Association: multiple units
Peer Reviewer: Journal of Educational Computing Research; Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; Teaching and Teacher Education; Internet and Higher Education
Review Editor: Frontiers in Education
Session Chair: Division K and Technology as an Agent for Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group
Ohio Educational Technology Conference volunteer
Nominee: Web Secretary AERA Graduate Student Council
Nominee: TACTL SIG and IT SIG (AERA) for multiple positions
Best Reviewer: AERA TACTL SIG (2024)